How can I build a WordPress theme detector tool?

09/16/2023 12:00 AM by Waqas Wakeel in Blog

Ever found yourself on a website and thought, "Wow, that's a fantastic design!"? If you're like most web enthusiasts, you've probably wondered how you can identify the WordPress theme a site is using. The good news is, that building a WordPress Theme Detector Tool is not rocket science. In this article, we'll cover the basics of creating your very own tool.

What You'll Need

  1. Programming Skills: Basic knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Server: A place to host your tool.
  3. APIs: Access to WordPress and Whois APIs for comprehensive data fetching.

Steps to Get Rolling

Create the Front-End

Start by setting up a simple HTML form where users can input a URL. Use CSS to make it look user-friendly. This is the entry point where users interact with your tool.

<form id="detectorForm"> <input type="text" id="urlInput" placeholder="Enter Website URL" /> <button type="submit">Detect Theme</button> </form>

Back-End Logic

Use PHP or your preferred server-side language to fetch the website's source code. You'll be looking for specific markers in the HTML, CSS, or even the JavaScript files that indicate the theme name.

<?php $url = $_POST['url']; $html = file_get_contents($url); // Logic to identify theme ?>

Use WordPress API

Instead of manually scouring the code, you can use the WordPress REST API to fetch theme details. Most modern WordPress sites will have this enabled by default.

$api_url = "https://{$url}/wp-json/wp/v2/themes"; $response = file_get_contents($api_url); // Parse the API response

Present the Results

Once you've identified the theme, display it back on your tool's front end. Use JavaScript to update the UI with the fetched information.

document.getElementById("result").innerText = "Theme: " + themeName;

Add Extra Features

To make your tool more robust, you can add additional functionalities like Whois data fetching, checking for child themes, and even displaying WordPress Theme Detector a list of popular plugins the site might be using.


Building a WordPress Theme Detector Tool can be an exciting and educational experience. You don't need to be a coding guru; just a little effort can help you uncover the themes behind some of your favorite websites. So go ahead, try building one, and have fun exploring the world of WordPress themes!


What is a WordPress Theme Detector Tool?

A WordPress Theme Detector Tool is a utility that allows you to identify the theme and sometimes even plugins a WordPress website is using.

Do I need to be an expert programmer to build this tool?

Not necessarily. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript should be enough to get you started.

Is it legal to scrape websites to identify their themes?

Generally, fetching a website's public data for educational or personal use shouldn't be a problem. But, it's good practice to check a website's terms of service before scraping it.

Can I make this tool available for free?

Yes, you can offer it as a free service, or you could provide additional features through a premium model.

How accurate is the WordPress API in identifying themes?

The WordPress REST API is generally accurate in fetching theme details, provided the website has it enabled. However, some customizations might make the theme unrecognizable.




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