How do you remove duplicate lines in file?

09/23/2023 12:00 AM by Waqas Wakeel in Blog

When you're handling files—be it code, text, or data—coming across duplicate lines can be a real headache. But don't sweat it, you have several options to de-duplicate those lines and make your file pristine. Here's a quick rundown of methods you can use, from good old manual deletion to using scripts and specialized software.

Manual Deletion

The most straightforward approach is to open the file in a text editor and manually remove the duplicates. This method is right for small files but can be time-consuming and error-prone for larger ones.

  1. Open the file in your text editor.
  2. Go through each line.
  3. Remove duplicates.

Using Text Editors 

Many text editors come with built-in features to remove duplicate lines.


  1. Open the file.
  2. Go to Edit > Line Operations > Remove Duplicate Lines.

Sublime Text

  1. Highlight the lines you want to de-duplicate.
  2. Right-click and select Permute Lines > Unique.

Excel or Google Sheets

For CSV files, you can use Excel or Google Sheets.

  1. Import the file.
  2. Use the Remove Duplicates feature found under Data.

Command Line (Linux/Mac)

If you're comfortable with the command line, you can use sort and uniq commands.

sort filename.txt | uniq > newfile.txt

Python Script

If you're into scripting, Python can also get the job done.

with open("filename.txt", "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() unique_lines = list(set(lines)) with open("newfile.txt", "w") as f: for line in unique_lines: f.write(line)

Specialized Software

There are also specialized software that can do this task in bulk for multiple files, such as Duplicate File Finder and Gemini.

Wrap Up

Removing duplicate lines doesn't have to be a drag. Whether you're a manual type of person, a script guru, or somewhere in between, there's a method out there that will suit your style. Happy de-duping!

Going Beyond Text: Dealing With Data Files

So far, we've mainly discussed plain text files, but what if you're working with more complex file types like JSON or XML? Specialized software tools like jq for JSON can help you remove duplicates based on specific attributes.

JSON Example

Using jq, you can easily filter out duplicate objects from an array:

jq 'unique_by(.key)' filename.json > newfile.json

The Case for Automation

If you find yourself repeatedly needing to remove duplicate lines, consider automating the process. Whether it's a scheduled script or a dedicated tool within your workflow, automation can save you heaps of time and reduce the risk of human error.

Bonus: Preventing Duplicates

Of course, the best way to deal with duplicates is not to have them in the first place. Consider implementing checks or validations within your system to prevent the entry of duplicate lines or data. It's a proactive step that can make your life easier down the line.


There you have it—a range of methods to remove those pesky duplicate lines from your files. Whether you're a fan of doing things manually or you're looking for an automated solution, there's something for everyone. So go ahead, make your files cleaner and your life a bit easier. Cheers to no more duplicates!


What text editors are best for removing duplicates?

Notepad++ for Windows and Sublime Text for Mac are solid choices. They offer built-in functionalities to remove duplicate lines quickly.

Are there any free software to remove duplicates?

Yes, you can use open-source text editors like VS Code, or utilize command-line tools if you're comfortable with that.

Can I remove duplicates from a file without opening it?

Absolutely. Command line tools like sort and uniq in Unix-based systems can remove duplicates without you having to open the file.

How do I remove duplicates from large files?

 For really large files, it's best to use command-line tools or scripts to handle the data. Text editors might struggle with large files, making the process slow and cumbersome.

Can I remove duplicates from specific columns in a CSV file?

Yes, you can. Software like Excel and Google Sheets allows you to select specific columns and then use the 'Remove Duplicates' function.




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